Saturday, April 30, 2011
(No change in the Examination schedule for the promotion of LGOs in other wings namely MMS Assistant, Foreign Postal Assistants, RLO Assistants, Stores Depot Assistants and CO/RO Assistants and will be held on 29.5.2011 as already decided and the examination )
Monday, April 25, 2011
Examination date for Postmaster Grade I announced
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of Postmaster Grade I ,2011 to be held on 12th June 2011. |
Paper 1(i) Customer Service and Grievances. b) Knowledge about DOPG, DOARPG and RTI cases. c) Consumer Forum/Post forum/Citizen charter. d) Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules. e) Conduct rules. f) Financial hand books. (ii) Postal operations Acts/Rules/Guidelines relating to inland and foreign post/mail operations, money remittance, savings bank schemes and certificates, rural and postal life insurance. Latest administrative and operational instructions/guidelines issued by the Department. |
PAPER II b) Marketing:- Principles of marketing , assessment of relating products and services. c) General awareness and Current affairs including general mental ability test covering logical reasoning(verbal and non verbal) numerical analysis( arithmetic) and basic mathematical equations and statistical rules like mean, median , mode , graphical representation of data, comprehension and basic language skills, d) General principles of technology. e) Basic technology requirement – computer, server, laptop. f) Connectivity of computers |
Pattern :The examination will be objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Eligibility to Apply :PAs with Five years regular service in the grade as on 1.1.2011. |
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Tracking facility for Registered Article
REGISTERNET software will be implemented shortly by Postal Department to processing of Registered articles at Computerised Registration Centres (CRCs) and the need to provide track and trace for registered articles |
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Department of Post is planning to introduce online version of postage stamps
Department of Post is planning to introduce online version of postage stamps, which will enable India Post customers to use print out of the stamp for sending mails. | |
"Our effort is to make access of postal service easy and simple for users. We are working on project that will enable them to print copy of bar-code based receipt and use it in place of postal stamps for sending mails," Department of Post (DoP) Secretary Radhika Doraiswamy told PTI. The project is a part of e-commerce initiatives by India Post, she added."Our minister (Union Minister for Communications and IT Kapil Sibal) has already inaugurated e-post office and has asked e-market place to be developed. We are in process of developing application for various platforms on internet," she added. Under the e-market place project, DoP will facilitate selling of small scale and cottage industry products through its website. The product catalogue will be published on internet and will give customers an option to select and make payments for the purchased product online. Once the order in placed, post-office, located nearest to the product seller's location, will arrange for the pick-up and delivery of the product to the customer. "We will accept orders from both domestic and international customers," Doraiswamy said. Doraiswamy mentioned that DoP is contemplating introduction of home pick-up services for mails and parcels for some set of services such as registered post, insured post, speed post and WorldNet. "Customer would have to pay online and register for the service. A postman will then go and pick the parcel or mail from the customer. The plan, however, is currently in a discussion phase," she said. She added, "We have to ensure that post office gets the payment for delivering services and customers get services conveniently. Everything is being worked out through RFPs (request for proposals), but most of our services will come on internet in 2012," Doraiswamy said. |
SSLC Result in Your Mobile
the announcement of the result.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011
eVPP – Points to Remember
DOs and DON’Ts Point of Sale: · The e-VPP article will not be having any VPMO form. Hence the article can be treated as ordinary Regd Letter/Parcel by the Delivery Office. Hence a bright coloured sticker indicating “Electronic VPP – Compulsory Scan” should be affixed on the article · e-VPP fee of Rs.25-00 per article is to be collected irrespective of the value and class of the e-VPP article · The amount of remittance back to the Sender should not exceed Rs.5000-00 |
e-Payment: · Ensure that every day transactions are properly reflected in ePayment MIS. · Re-register the ePayment machine when the machine is changed or any hardware of the machine is replaced. · Always use the registered machine only as ePayment client, else transactions will not be authenticated in central server. · While re-registration first do web registration and then do client registration. · Follow the registration and re-registration procedures as in the user manuals. · Ensure that server is called daily. (at least twice a day before and after transactions). · Regularly check the errorlog and log folders in ePayment Client Installation path. If any error files found for any date, report the error to PTC Mysore. · While reporting the errors, send ecounter database backup along with zipped TXD, RXD, errorlog, log folders and config.xml and ebillcommunication.exe.config files . Specify the problem clearly while reporting the error. · While sending ePayment files to PTC, zip entire folders as it is. Do not mix the contents of the folders. (eg. TXD folder – · Take ecounter database backup regularly. · Take the backup of TXD, RXD, Errorlog and Log folders and config.xml and ebillcommunication.exe.config files in a separate folder regularly and also before uninstalling the existing epayment client package, so that it can be restored after reinstallation. · Once client registration is done ensure that your office is displayed as registered with the latest date and time in web site. The option is available at under view->registered offices · If office is not shown as registered, verify the details in the registration failed details in web site. The option is available at under view->registered failed details · Call the server 3-4 times after registration so that all master files are downloaded into local machine. It may take some time depending on the speed of your internet connection. Check errorlog and log folders for any errors while database updation. · As the ePayment module is linked to other Meghdooth modules, always keep all modules up to date by updating the patches released by PTC Mysore in . · Make the ePayment machine free from viruses by installing and updating suitable anti-virus softwares. · Always ensure that submit account and supervisor verification is done promptly. · Take necessary care while creating and configuring billers and biller fields. · From version 6.4 onwards, once the office registration is complete, Register Me button will get disabled. · One NIC card must be there in the machine selected for installing epayment client. If the NIC card is disabled, it should be enabled. Even though the connection is through modem, an enabled NIC card must be present in the machine. It need not be connected to any cable. |
Postman: · Before starting, please provide the Server names where Ecounter and Sub Accounts databases are installed in Postman à Environment à Server Details option. The BOs and SOs details will be fetched from the Sub Accounts Module only (throughout the EVP optons) · Electronic Data will be received by the office of delivery (if it is an e-Payment Office) immediately, but the physical article will be received by the office at a later date. If any article is not received within the reasonable time period from the date of receipt of the Electronic Data, matter should be taken up with office which actually received the article, for redirection. · The procedure for delivery of VP Articles will be applicable for delivery of e-VPP articles also. · All the e-VPP articles should be invoiced to Postman along with the pre-printed Receipt proforma, as mentioned at Annexure-I to the S.O.P. This should also be prepared for all the e-VPP articles sent to BOs · In case of HPOs having non e-Payment SOs, a list of e-VPPs expected to be received by those non e-Payment SOs has to be printed daily in triplicate and send two copies of the same to the concerned SO through Account Bag. · The SPM of non e-Payment SO should intimate the final disposal of each e-VPP article to the HPO by filling up the disposal data in the report received from the HO and keep one copy of the same with him · The Supervisor at the office of Delivery should verify the report of EVP articles in Deposit daily w.r.t. articles physically available and record his verification · The EVPP articles will be booked by the ePayment Offices only, but they can be delivered through any delivery office in · The electronic data will be received by all the ePayment offices directly from Central server. If any article is to be delivered through non ePayment Sub Office, then the electronic data will be received by the Head Post Office concerned. The Head Post Office will generate the report of eVPP articles expected to be received by these non e-Payment SOs and send the same to the concerned office through SO bag · In case, the non ePayment Sub Office is using the Postman module (computerised but not e-Payment Office), then also they need to install the ECounter Database. Such offices will have to first select the Check Box “Non ePayment SO” under SupervisoràEnvironment screen. These offices have to invoice the EVP articles by manually typing the required information in the Invoicing Screen · Actual Amount mentioned on the face of the EVP article only should be collected from the Addressee of the EVP Article. No Money Order commission needs to be collected. · The EVP articles received missent can be sent to concerned office by using the missent option in Invoicing menu (OR) by selecting the remarks as “Missent-Redirection” at the time of taking returns. All such articles should be authorized by the Postman Supervisor using the option TreasuryàAuthorization of Misdirected EVPs. Unless they are authorized by the Supervisor, the data will not be transmitted to central server. · EVPs can be diverted from the ePayment Office to its attached BOs and vice versa. After taking the returns as “Diversion to BO”, the article has to be invoiced to concerned BO using the option Invoicing —> To BOs on the next day. Similarly the articles sent to BO and returns taken as “Diversion to Beat”, have to be invoiced to the beat concerned using the option InvoicingàArticles For DeliveryàPost Sorting. · Submit account of all the beats to which EVPs are issued is compulsory, even though the amount to be returned by that postman is zero (in case no EVP is delivered). Unless submit account is done, the data will not be transmitted to central server. · After submitting accounts of a beat, operator returns can’t be modified and Day End is not possible without submitting the accounts of all the beats for which EVPs are issued |
DON’Ts: e-Payment: · Don’t delete any files from txd and rxd folders. · Don’t restore old ecounter database backup. This will cause data mismatch between your office and central server. · Don’t import or export any data to or from ecounter database. · Don’t try to register again and again from client. This will make your office as registration failed office. · Don’t modify or delete any billers or fields unnecessarily. If any modification is done ensure that all the modifications are properly reflected in all the ePayment offices. · Don’t delete any billers or fields without intimating to the ePayment offices. |
Postman: · Don’t invoice the e-VPP article without receiving the Electronic data · The e-VPP article will be received through normal Registered Bag and no Money Order form will be available. Hence it can wrongly be taken as Registered Letter of Parcel. Hence care should be taken to figure out the e-VPP articles while opening the Regd/Parcel Bag |
Monday, April 18, 2011
Training Schedule 2011-2012 for PAs/SAs- PTC Mysore
Thursday, April 14, 2011
India Post plans special counters for rural areas
As a first step towards this, the postal department will carry out a study on the distance people need to travel to reach to a post office. The study, which will arrive at a base figure, will assess the reach of the postal department in realistic terms and determine the areas that are under-served. The department expects to finish the study by the end of the year.
Read more Please click
The Allowances to be raised 25%
Dearness Allowance has been raised to 51% with effect from 01-01-2011. As the Government accepted the 6CPC recommendations, when D.A reaches 50%, the allowances which are compensatory in nature also should be raised by 25%. There are many allowances and advances are recommended to be raised 25% .
NFIR insisted that 37 Allowances and Advances have to be increased and also demanded the railway Ministry to issue necessary orders without any delay. Many of our central government employees keep on asking that when will the allowance be raised? As the D.A reaches 50% in January 2011 itself, subsequently all the allowance should witness the hike from January 2011. If so, how the children education allowance will be calculated for the remaining period of this academic year? The advances, which have been issued from January 2011 to till date, can be raised? Necessary Clarifications are expected from competent authorities very soon.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Salient features of Jan Lokpal Bill
1. An institution called LOKPAL at the centre and LOKAYUKTA in each state will be set up |
2. Like Supreme Court and Election Commission, they will be completely independent of the governments. No minister or bureaucrat will be able to influence their investigations |
9. What will happen to existing anti-corruption agencies? CVC, departmental vigilance and anti-corruption branch of CBI will be merged into Lokpal. Lokpal will have complete powers and machinery to independently investigate and prosecute any officer, judge or politician. |
Friday, April 8, 2011
Holiday on 13.04.2011 the date of Assembly Election
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Government Orders on Payment of DA to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)
NO. 14-01/2011-PAP
Monday, April 4, 2011
The Service Discharge Benefit Scheme for Gramin Dak Sevaks.
Main points
2.1 First installment of contribution by the Department @ Rs.200/= (rupees two hundred only) per month, in respect of each GDS, enrolled under the Scheme, shall become payable in the month of April, 2011, while drawing the TRCA for the month (April,2011); The contribution shall be remitted to the Trustee Bank, i.e. Bank of India. |
3.0 The Scheme shall be operated utilizing the platform of the "NPS-LITE" scheme of the Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority(PFRDA), as adopted by this Department in its modified form. |
3.1 The National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) has been appointed as Central Record keeping Agency (CRA) by PFRDA/NPS TRUST, for providing centralized record keeping, administration and customer service functions for all beneficiaries of the SDBS, like, NPS-lite. |
3.2 The Bank of |
3,3 It has been decided to manage the funds deposited under SDBS, on the pattern of Central Government Scheme of the NPS Lite, Therefore, the following shall function as Pension Fund Managers (PFM) for investments and management of the funds under the Scheme;- |
1. LIC Pension Fund, 2. SBI Pension Fund Limited; and 3. UTI Retirement Solutions Limited , |
3.4 The approved Annuity Service Providers (ASPs) would be responsible for delivering a regular monthly pension to the subscribers/beneficiaries or his/ her spouse (in case of death of the subscribers/beneficiary)for the rest of his/her life under the Scheme. |
4.0 The GDS opting to switch over to the SDBS by 30th April, 2011, shall be deemed to have opted for the Scheme W.e.f. Ist April 2011 itself and the arrears of contribution from April, 2011 onwards shall be remitted to the Trustee Bank on their enrollment and receipt of PRAN Cards from the CRA, subsequently. |
Saturday, April 2, 2011
JCA Call for Indifinite strike from 05-07-2011
The Central JCA meeting of NFPE, FNPO and GDS Unions held on 30.03.2011 has unanimously decided to go on nation wide indefinite strike from 5th July 2011, protesting against the orders of the Department to close down large scale post offices and RMS office and also for settlement of the long pending demands of the Postal and RMS employees including Gramin Dak Sevaks.The charter of demands is as follows.
1. Stop closure /merger of PO/RMS Offices including BOs. Review the orders implementing Speed Post Hubs and Delivery Hubs and restore status quo ante. Stop outsourcing the works of Postal, RMS & MMS functions. | 2. Grant status as Central Civil Servant to GDS employees for all purposes including service matters, pay scale, increment, allowances, pension, promotion and other terminal benefits, leave, bonus and trade union facilities. Scrap new recruitment rules for appointment as postmen which curtails promotional avenues – restore previous rules and withdraw tighten norms assessing BPM’s work. Drop reduction of allowances in case of reduction of workload. |
3. Revise the wages of casual labourers and contingent employees w.e.f. 01.01.2006 based on the minimum pay recommended by 6th CPC. Stop outsourcing the work of casual labourers and contingent work. Grant temporary status to eligible full time casual labourers , Convert part time into full time absorb full time , part time contingent employees in vacant GDS posts. | 4. Immediate revision of OTA & OSA rates. |
5. Implement the assurances made on 12.07.2010 Strike Settlement and also the JCM Departmental Council Meeting held on 23.08.2010.( List enclosed) Ensure prompt holding of Departmental Council Meetings | 6. Immediate finalization of Cadre Restructuring proposals including Postal Accounts as assured by the Secretary Department of Posts and its implementation |
7. Stop decentralization of Postal Accounts, PLI and RPLI and ensure status-quo. Save DPLI office, Kolkata and ensure job security to the staff, DPLI. | 8. Expedite the process of filling of all vacant posts in all Wings including GDS. |
9. Stop implementation of Postmaster Cadre till finalization of Cadre Restructuring. Ensure 100% filling up of LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I before implementation of Postmasters Cadre, remove the retrograde eligibility conditions for appearing the examination of Grade I and PSS Group B and allow account line officials also. | . 10. Drop the proposed move of ending the services of existing System Administrators by outsourcing the technology work to the outsider agencies. Create the System Administrators Posts as assured and specified norms and other works and make the cadre as a promotional cadre to PA/SA. |
| 12. Fixing norms for new assigned works of MTS. Allow to decline postman promotion for MTS under seniority quota and review the recruitment rules of MTS to Postmen / Mail Guards. |
13. Grant promotions to Drivers / Artisans at par with other C.G. organizations like Railways/Defence. Higher Pay Scales to charge hand & Drivers. Revision of CRC EPP and Logistic norms. | 14. Declare SBCO Staff as Divisional cadre , Stop harassment of SBCO officials under contributory factors. Complete the Ledger Agreement Work update the SBCO before launching Core Banking. |
15. Fill up all Postal Civil Wing and Electrical Wing posts as per CPWD norms. Creation of Postal /Electrical and Architectural Division in every Circle. Expedite the Restructuring of Civil Wing Cadres. | 16. Ensure full fledge functioning of newly formed Postal Accounts Offices by providing adequate staff strength and accommodation. Rectify the anomaly caused due to promotion of Group ‘D’ official to the cadre of LDC after 2006. Restore the residency period of three years in respect of JA to SA promotion retrospectively w.e.f. 13.12.2006. Grant MACP to those joined in Sorter cadre treating LDC as entry grade as the Sorter grade has been defunct since 2000 |
17. Counting of past services rendered by erstwhile RTPs for promotions and MACP. | |
19. Stop Harassing and victimization of innocent officials under contributory negligence factors. Implement the true spirit of Govt orders and Volumes and no recovery should be made if the concerned is not directly responsible for the loss sustained to the department | 20. Stop discrimination towards PO & RMS Accounts Cadre, Create separate cadre and earmark % of posts for norm based promotions in the same cadre, Count Special Allowance for fixation on promotion, Withdraw the recovery imposed on Postman Pay fixation and drawal of bonus to GDS. Restore the date of passing the Acct examination for according LSG promotions instead date of entry in PA cadre. |
21. Enhance the LR strength on all cadres to the extent of 20% and fill up all vacant LR posts. | 22. Ensure prompt grant of Child Care Leave as per the liberalized orders, unnecessary hurdles put forth should be dropped |
23. Review the MACP clarifactory orders and rectify the issues like, non drawal of spl allowance on acquiring MACP, wrong interpretation of IIIrd MACP to departmental promotes only after 30 years, Counting as double promotions as Group D & Postmen even in the case of promotion to Postman on GDS quota, non counting of training period for MACP, ignore promotions acquired on deptl exam for MACP, ignore all uncommunicated average bench marks for MACP as Judicial verdict. | 24. Stop attack on Union office bearers by misusing Rule 37 transfers and Rule 9 of CCS (CCA) Rules. Dispose all Rule 9 (Pension rules) disciplinary cases pending at Directorate years together. |
25. Denying the legitimate right of employees to avail holidays & Sundays by compelling them to attend frequent meetings/ Melas. |